Thursday, June 24, 2010

Did you khow that piercing your face now......will have huge wrinkles when you get older?

It's true.

Experience my wrinkled ears.Did you khow that piercing your face now......will have huge wrinkles when you get older?
I don't think depends on your skin type and sun damage etc. Everyone ages and wrinkles differently

This question sounds like an EXCUSE that a mom would use to stop her children from getting piercings. My mother-in-law is 81 and doesn't have wrinkled ears and her ears are pierced twice.Did you khow that piercing your face now......will have huge wrinkles when you get older?
Which area of your face, I don't understand. Kindly explain further.
That is not true. What facial and other body piercings CAN cause is keloid scarring, which is very unsightly.

However, it is a well known fact that younger people ARE experiencing early facial wrinkling because they started smoking at a young age--the term is ';smoker's face';, and once it happens only a skin care specialist or plastic surgeon can help. It can cause people to look up to 20 years older than they actually are.鈥?/a>
That's absolutely false.

I know older people who are pierced and don't have many wrinkles.

Wrinkles are only effected by your genes and how you treat your skin. Having a piece of metal through your skin will not effect how wrinkly you get.

Your ears are wrinkly because you have genes that call for wrinkles, don't blame it on anything else.

How ignorant can you be?
no but now I do
There is no medical proof to support that fact. As a licensed piercer, wrinkles are determined upon age and a persons skin type. Puncturing the skin will not cause any more wrinkles than any other type of body modification you can possibly do.
That's when you take the earring out. Duh.

Was there a point to this?
do you know that wrinkles are natural and don't scare anyone?
that not true sorry
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