Sunday, December 13, 2009

How can you prevent wrinkles starting at a young age?

Take care your skin on regular basis. Some tips here-

http://tips-sc.blogspot.comHow can you prevent wrinkles starting at a young age?
Stay out of the sun between the hottest parts of the day, which in summer is between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00pm. If

thats not possible, us a sunscreen with a strong spf factor,

although scientists have warned that even sunscreens won't

protect for too long. Use moisterizers like Noxema to wash

your face with instead of soap. Wear a large brimmed hat.

But mainly, if you can stay out of the sun during the heat

of the day, you should be able to put off wrinkles for a long

time!How can you prevent wrinkles starting at a young age?
Don't expose yourself to a lot of sun without sunscreen.

Tanning beds are TERRIBLE for your skin.

Don't wear too much foundation make up at a young age.

Use face washes that have moisturizers in them and wash your face twice daily.

A healthy diet that contains a lot of calcium also helps your skin, teeth, bones, nails, and hair. [[What a bonus!]].

That's about all I can think of. :)
wear sun block and try not to frown....

honestly, people who generally have a positive outlook on life have less wrinkles that negative people.

Frowning causes forehead and face wrinkles.

Drink a lot of water too. It keep the elasticity in your skin.
A lady never reveals her age, but I'll tell you this...I dont look mine. I dont wear foundation..ever. The more you pile on and the more you pull on your skin, the quicker you will wrinkle. Clean, moisturize and tone your skin daily. Wear a sun block and a hat when in the sun. Oh yes, get plenty of sleep each night.
start using cleansers and moisturizers by the age of 14 and start using eye creams from the age of 20. Prevention by using good quality products can do wonders
Protect yourself from the sun- use sunscreen whenever you can, and don't get sucked in by beauty products.
I use facial masks there great and sleeping helps also.
sunscreen! moisturizer! take off your makeup every night! water!!! those are the 4 things my aunt swears by, and at 52 she looks like she just turned 30 with barely noticeable wrinkles just appearing
One thing you can do is stay out of the sun :]
wash your face with ccoldd watterrr!

and dont stay in the sun too longgg.

cleanse and tone your face.

but u have lotion shitt fir that stufff.
no sun, live inside massage your skin to keep the muscles tight...
drinking plenty of water, eating right and avoid staying up too late

a brain

wash it regularly
sun screen
lotions, no sun, or wear sunblock
never smile

there are creams and crap for that
always wash ur face with chilld water
  • cute hair
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