Saturday, December 5, 2009

My recently healing tattoo has wrinkles, is this normal, will it go away?

I am a very all natural girl, and am not interested in product advice, more so I want to know about the nature of the healing process and the top layer healing faster than the bottom and id there is anything in particular that i need to do!!My recently healing tattoo has wrinkles, is this normal, will it go away?
tattoos heal from the outside in. It is normal from the top layer to be farther along in the healing process than the bottom. if it's wrinkling because its dry try moisturizing it. you wanting to stay more natural is actually a good thing because scents and heavy chemicals really aren't good to use in this situation. the more bio-compatible the better.My recently healing tattoo has wrinkles, is this normal, will it go away?
The best thing to do is keep applying a really good lotion to re hydrate your skin. I used lubridurm lotion when I got my tattoos. I bet a lotion from the Burts Bees line would work really well for you since you say you are a very all natural girl and they make all natural products. Sorry not trying to give you product advice, but sometimes you don't really have a choice in using products. It's safe to say that you spent your hard earned cash on something you want for the rest of your life. The wrinkling is normal some what. it happens because the ink and the process of getting a tattoo makes your skin dry faster at the top levels. If your skin was already on the dry side the wrinkles will be more prominent. It will stop once everything has had a chance to heal. Please do yourself and your tattoo a favor and apply any non scented lotion to your tattoo at least 3 times a day. It will keep your skin soft and smooth and help the ink set in better.
just make sure you're using whatever the tattooist suggested and it will get wrinkled a little depending on where you get the tattoo at..

its just your skins way of getting used to the ink..

it will peel,itch like crazy, raise from the skin and lose a little of its color if you have any..all normal..i have four so its all happened with mine..

hope this helps
it just means its dry and you need to apply some lotion.

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